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Course Update

I am sure you will all agree, the course is in an excellent condition as the Green’s Team continue to look at ways to enhance the course further.  Firstly, I must thank the volunteer group, who look to support the team, you will see the benefits of their hard work from the planting of the ‘raised beds’, to clearing out ditches around the course.  There is always more to do, if you have any spare time and want to support our group, please let me know.
As the grass growth slows down due to the application of growth regulator and slightly cooler than normal weather conditions, we have been able to use this time to work on other areas of the course.  You will see that we have cleared out the ditch in front of 18th tee, we will look to remove more Saplings that are growing around teeing areas and ponds.
You will have already seen that dead trees have been removed from areas of the course.  Following on from the very successful tree removal from the 2nd Medal Tee and the benefits we have seen from that, more tree surgery will start in earnest from this weekend. The R/H side of 16th fairway is first project, followed by back of short game area to allow erection of netting. Please be aware that the 16th tees will be moved forward to the 150 yds marker on the right side whilst work progresses from 7.00-13.30 on Saturday, 13th July Then work will continue on a fairly regular basis to other areas in need.
Next week’s update will confirm plans for laying astroturf on paths that have been prepared as well as a review of the tree work on 16th hole. Have a great weekend.